The San Ramon Arts Foundation established in 2000 to “Encourage, Support, and Promote the Arts in San Ramon and the San Ramon Valley.” The Foundation grants financial assistance to cultural arts, organizes special fund-raising events, acquires funding through grants, individuals, business sponsors, leads expansion of cultural arts in the San Ramon Valley, and supports development of new cultural arts programs.
The importance of the Arts in our society is undeniable.
The Arts communicate across all cultural boundaries, tell stories of the past and present, inspire the minds of young and old alike, and center our lives and gives assurances as to who we are.
Each of us lives with the arts every day, without the arts, our lives and souls would be very empty. Example: For a moment imagine that your in your home and you have taken all the artwork off the walls, boxed all your CD’s and DVD’s, unplugged your TV, and computer, removed all your books and you are going to live without them for a month. Just imagine your life without the arts, you will begin to feel empty and wanting to fill your private space again with the things that have centered your life.
The San Ramon Arts Foundation has, over the years, given back to the community, and art education in the schools tens of thousands of dollars in support of the visual, performing, and literary arts.